The J.Y. Joyner Foundation

The J.Y. Joyner Foundation was founded during the 2015 school year and is a legal 501(c)(3) IRS non-profit organization. The Foundation was established to give parents and J.Y. Joyner a way to maintain funding to attract and retain talented educators.

The Foundation relies on parent volunteers to lead the organization, interact with school leadership and PTA, and coordinate fundraising activities, such as fall & spring fundraisers, dine-out nights, pop-up events and more. Through your generosity, the Foundation raised $95,000 during the 2019-2020 school year. The money raised each year helps cover teacher funding in the area with the greatest need. One year it may fully fund a Spanish teacher and a portion of a technology teacher, while another year it may shift to different area.

2023-2024 Board Members

Heather Welch, President -
Lori Cowan, VP/Marketing -
Garrett Broyles, Secretary/Communications -
Adria McGlamery, Treasurer/Financial Support -